Wednesday, October 23, 2019


REVIEW BY: READERS LOUNGE (I.G: @readers.lounge)

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Have you ever though of starting life again, different name, country, family,job, etc. Just like a clean slate?

Meet Patrick Lanigan also known as Danny boy, who almost succeeded in starting life again. Apparently he died in a car crash but six weeks after stole $90M from his former law firm. (The things the dead do, wow!)

...he died in a car crash but six weeks after stole $90M from his former law firm

What would make someone fake his death, leave his family and friends, change his name, alter his physical feature and learn a new language (plus steal $90M). What was his motive? 

I loved reading this novel, the lead character is a master planner, he saw everything coming before they even thought of coming. He knew every law and how to work them in his favour. He committed a crime and still didn't go to prison and still saved his government money and face. He even tipped his kidnappers on how to find him. 

He even tipped his kidnappers on how to find him

But despite all his foresight,he never saw something coming (when you read the novel, you will find out )

But despite all his foresight,he never saw something coming

The novel is a page turner, you always want to know what happens next and as the story unfolds you get more insight about Patrick. 

John Grisham did a good job, the title can be a bit misleading though but still good.

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